Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lake Takanassee

I shot a few pictures at last night's race, a two-mile not counting in the season's scoring.

The start.

Chip Nolan managed to hold off his Dad for a lap before his early dinner convinced him that wouldn't be a wise idea.

Thus, Harry Nolan beat his son.

Jimmy Leslie passed by doing the "don't shoot me, I've already finished" thing.

Closer examination reveals another reason why Mr. Leslie is smiling, his place card bears a "1."

The women's winner (someone please post a comment with her name)

John Fredericks displays good form on his way to winning the men's racewalk.

Anyone knowing this young woman, please scold her for ruining the picture by goofing around. ;-)

Here, Larry Bergmayer and Walter MacGowan pose with Christine Clifton of Shore Runner at the post-race event at Stewart's Root Beer in Pier Village, near the store.

Christine poses with her sister, Wyomia, visiting from Seattle. (And for you track geeks, yes, she was named after Wyomia Tyus, but pronounces it differently - Wee-Oh-Mee-Uh.)

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