Chelsea Cox, a 400 meter and 800 meter runner at Southern Regional, received the High School Athlete of the Year Award.

Robbie Andrews was named the Boys High School Athlete of the Year.

Joe Pellegrino received the Dr. George Sheehan Award as Men's Distance Runner of the Year

High jumper Justin Frick of Princeton was recognized as Men's College Athlete of the Year.

Neni Lewis, Elliott Denman, Bruce McDonald

Eddie Diaz, a shot putter and discus thrower, received the Bob Roggy Award as Men's Field Athlete of the Year.

Pole vaulter Kim Krycznski was recognized with the Bob Roggy Award as Women's Field Athlete of the Year.

Rick Lapp Mens TF Ath Yr

Tom Zarra Masters Dist Yr

John Soucheck Male Ath Yr

Dr. Norb Sander, New York City Marathon winner and Armory Foundation President was the recipient of the Wisner Brothers Award for Distinguished Service to Track and Field.

Jill Evarts - Mary Conry Award winner as Women's Masters Distance Runner of the Year and Christine Clifton - Women's Distance Runner of the Year flank club president and women's team coach Walter MacGowan.

Panse Geer wom RW of Yr Don & Marie Henry

Women's track ace Wendi Glassman was recognized as Women's Track and Field Athlete of the Year.

70's Team - ?, Dick Hill, and John Leonard

Tim Ragan Comeback Ath Yr

John Leonard
RRCA National Volunteer Awards were given by RRCA state rep Dave DeMonico to three very deserving and outstanding gentlemen – Frank Haviland, Lester Wright and Elliott Denman.

Phil Benson, race director of the Asbury Park 10K Classic, was also inducted to the Shore A.C. Hall of Fame.

Hoyle Mozee moseyed (sorry, I had to do it!) up to accept his Hall of Fame award for his many years of service to the club.
Charlie Rooney accepted the plaque putting his late father, Charlie, into the Shore A.C. Hall of Fame. The elder Charlie was long-time mayor of Sea Bright and a fine athlete, he assisted the club in many ways with staging races.

Donna Cetrulo was surprised at being named to the club's Hall of Fame.

Christine Clifton, co-owner of the Shore Runner store in Long Branch, along with her manager Loretta.

Phil and Penny Hinck were enjoying the festivities.

Also spotted were Tom Hyland and his wife, Karen.

Bill Huntley, Donna Mehler
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